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Why HIPAA Compliance is Important

HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. HIPPA is a landmark piece of legislation that was introduced in the year 1996. The main reason why HIPPAA was introduced was so that it can provide insurance coverage to people who were between jobs. It isn’t easy to have insurance coverage if you do not have one permanent job. Health data is considered to be private and should not be accessed by unauthorised people. Some people may take advantage of someone else’s health data and use it for malicious purposes. This is another reason why HIPAA was introduced to ensure that health data is protected and kept out of reach from unauthorised people. Take   a   look   at this link    for more  information.


There are numerous reasons why HIPAA is important. HIPAA also benefits healthcare organisations. With the help of HIPAA, healthcare organisations can have an easy time transition their health care information from paper records to electronic copies. In addition to this, HIPAA has made the administrative functions of health care organisation easier, made the health care industry more efficient and making sure that the process of sharing protected health care information is secure. There are numerous health care organisations. If each health care organisation is let to handle the recording of health data and electronic transactions on its own, there would be a lot of confusion. Learn more    about   HIPAA Security Suite,  go here.


That is why HIPPA was introduced to ensure that health care organisations are dancing to the same tune and to reduce confusions that might arise due to different ways of recording health data and electronic transactions. If you receive health care services from a HIPAA covered entity when you are visiting an area, the health care provider will access your protected health information from your personal health care provider electronically through HIPAA. Find   out  for further   details  right  here

HIPAA also benefits patients in various ways. Actually, the biggest beneficially of HIPAA is the patient. One of the ways that HIPAA benefits a patient is ensuring his or her health information is safeguarded and kept away from unauthorised individuals. HIPAA ensures that health care providers are held liable in case a patient health information gets stolen or exposed. Without HIPAA, most health care providers would go scot-free if they lost or exposed your health care information. HIPAA ensures that health care providers put strict security controls to ensure that patient’s data is secured stored, shared and transmitted. Also, as a patient, you have a say on who you want to have access to your health information


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